Propaganda Push By Public Officials/ Mainstream Media. Mayor Marty Walsh C0vid-19 News Conference.

4 years ago

We were downtown Boston documenting the effects of the Statewide "Non-Essential" work ban due to the "C0vid-19 virus". While we were walking by City Hall Plaza we noticed many mainstream media vehicles. Then we noticed they were having a live news conference with Boston Mayor Marty Walsh. We decided to join in. Check out the discrepancies in what they are asking for the public and how they practice these suggestions and or orders themselves, and that they are giving the public. Let me know what you think in the comments section!! As always thank you for all your support!! Much love, respect and appreciation!!

#MassAccountability #PoliceThePolice #PhotographyIsNotACrime #1stAmendment #AlwaysFilmThePolice #FilmThePolice #FTP #AFTP #PINAC #KnowYourRights #KnowledgeIsPower #Salem #Beverly #Boston #Ipswich #Peabody #NorthShore #Mass #Massachusetts #KnowYourRights #BlueLinePrivilege #ThinBlueLinePrivilege #ThinBlueLine #Dorchester #Revere #Quincy #WBZ #Channel4News #NBC #7News

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