March 21 Seedling Update

4 years ago

Lori Fiechter here with my weekly garden update. After the disaster of nearly all the hot pepper seedlings dying, I'm pleased to announce that the sweet peppers and all of the other seedlings are doing great. Plus, the new hot pepper seeds we bought are all up as well. We are relieved (for now, anyway.)

It was even spitting snow today so we know it is going to be awhile before we are putting these hothouse plants outside. I'm hoping to plant the early garden in a couple of weeks: onions, lettuce, spinach. Carrots will be late April. We didn't buy our seed potatoes yet. I'm sure garden nurseries are considered essential businesses and will not close down for coronavirus.

Praying you will all stay healthy and stay kind to one another. Sometimes it takes a real disruption to our normal lives to remember what is essential and what is not. God has my attention, for sure.

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