Texas Abortion Story Should Make Theocrats Regret Their Choices

2 years ago

A woman in Texas has gone through two tragic miscarriages. The first one she was able to get care at the hospital. The second time they sent her home. In between an anti-abortion law was passed in the state, and doctors are now refusing to help women who are suffering through miscarriages.

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From the New York Times. It was a woman named Amanda. I don't know if it's her real name. I am 35 years old. Lives in the Dallas Fort Worth area. She had a miscarriage in her first trimester of pregnancy. She went to a hospital. You know the name of the hospital. They were very kind to her. left like a little card. A little bracelet. You know saying sorry he went through this. Eight months later she has another first-trimester miscarriage. She went to the same hospital Baylor Scott white medical center I guess. Doubled over in pain screaming as she passed a large blood clot. When she requested the exact same procedure that she had had a dilation and cured DNC. That's what they call the part you know so-called partial-birth abortion. The hospital told her no. She said they didn't mention the abortion law but they sent her home with instructions to return only if she was bleeding so excessively that her blood filled the diaper more than once an hour. The hospital records that Amanda shared with the New York Times said that her embryo had no cardiac activity during that visit. an ultrasound a week late earlier or on an ultrasound a week earlier she reports having a lot of pain and she appears to stress the record set. This appears to be a miscarriage in process. This is according to the records that they took at the hospital. So once at home, she said she sat on the toilet digging her fingernail marks into her wall from the pain. She moved to the bathtub where she and her husband just basically watched her fill the bathtub with dark red blood. She was there for 48 hours. The same hospital the only difference was that law that was passed.

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