Knowing What's Really Going On Is Now An Imperative

4 years ago

Knowing What's Really Going On Is Now An Imperative
produced in The Quantum Playground on The I UV, recorded on March 21, 2020

BZ: Note on the Choose Fear or Knowing Series: In these chaotic rapidly changing moments, I was nudged and asked to do a series of conversations  to be of Heartfelt service to All. I, like many other millions now, who Stand in Knowing, have answered the call and each in our own way are beginning these conversations.

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It seems to many that we are hurtling to such a stark and unknown, uncertain existence. The perceived chaos and chorus of panic rising up... Intentionally being whipped up from the corporate media, the expert purveyors in Fake News. Who are doing exactly what they are paid to do, following their propaganda marching orders of the controllers of the planet.

We are in the final moments of a War, that has been being waged for a very long time. Transparency and what is True are beginning to shine brightly. For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

As things speed up, as the velocity with which the false construct is unwound and unbound and crumbles. It is imperative for you to Know what is really going on. In this conversation I touch on some of the components involved in the false construct, some of the transparency coming through.

Notice! Simply Notice what is unfolding all around you. Come from your heart and you will turn on your decoder ring and be able to start to see sense and feel, what is really going on.

It is a vast, intricate, complex array of data. so I am doing short overview pieces to help you pull out information that highlights for you and you can then read or watch other videos I have created or from others to help you dive even deeper.

You are the expert for you.

Only YOU can make the choice to move from fear to knowing.

I invite you to come along on this conversation, the unfolding of the threads of the story that will help you more confidently navigate the CHANGES that are Unwinding and unbinding the dark and sweeping in the light. In unity and with open hearts we will win the unseen war that has long been waged and together build an Amazing New Story.

I Love You ~ BZ

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You can find information and videos to help you navigate in waking up to what's really going on under the Quantum Playground right hand navigation menu or you can click directly on link below.

Would you like to come play in conversation…have a question or something you would like to share with me. Send an email to me, at

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