Ozone in the Age of Coronavirus

4 years ago

Ozone has been used in medicine and dentistry for many years to treat and prevent illnesses as well as manage cross-contamination.

This short course was developed under the auspices of AAOSH, the American Academy for Oral Systemic Health. It is focused primarily on dental office settings, although much may be applicable in other healthcare and even home settings.

Thanks to Dr. Marty Jablow, Dr. Dennis Mihalka, Dr. Tim Rainey. Dr. Mark Malterud, Dr. Robert Walker, and Dr. Craig Young for their contributions and suggestions.

Ozone can kill all pathogenic microbes, as far as we know: bacteria, fungi, and viruses. There is no reason to expect that O3 would not be able to mange Coronavirus similarly.

CAUTION: much of what is presented here is pertinent to sites that have ozone equipment and have received adequate TRAINING. We are NOT encouraging people to go out and attempt to set up and safely manage ozone equipment without detailed counseling.

Moreover, we are not telling anyone what to do but are making observations after decades of teaching and experience about what many are already doing for infection control.

INDEX to the video
1:40 ozonated oils, placement in nose
6:20 enteric uses of ozonated oils
8:30 what types of oils should we use?
9:40 uses of ozonated oils in oral hygiene
11:15 ozonated water and its uses
12:30 efficiently ozonating water
14:15 where can we use ozonated water?
15:30 managing dental unit waterline biofilm with ozonated water
20:25 preventing suck-back damage to the ozone unit
21:40 uses of ozonated water in dental hygiene practice
25:30 PEM cell electrolytic ozonated water generation
30:41 Systemic ozone-ear insufflation
37:50 Ozonide inhalational therapy
44:55 Ozone and re-use of Personal Protective Equipment
47:30 Intraoral ozone insufflation
50:25 Rectal insufflation
50:40 Direct IV ozone gas application
50:45 Hyperbaric multipass systemic ozone
54:50 Suggestions about nutrients to manage viral infection

There will be a complete Packet available to accompany this video showing sources and other recommendations. This will be given to all AAOSH members. One may join AAOSH at www.aaosh.org. All are invited to participate, not just healthcare professionals. They have offered a free two-month membership during this period.

Video of Bill doing DIV on himself:
*Direct intravenous ozone therapy has a remarkably positive safety record, but also has some potentially serious issues associated with it that demand that anyone performing the procedure has the proper equipment as well as training.

It should definitely NOT be performed otherwise.*

OzoneOils.com Contact Dr. Eric Zaremski drzaremski@gmail.com
--ozonated oils, ozonated products (soaps, deodorants, shampoos,
personal lubricant, body cream, facial exosome serum)

Ozone Therapies Group has a variety of oils and soaps (solid and liquid). https://shop.ozonetherapiesgroup.com/

including capsules

Ozolabs for oils, soaps, creams, etc.

Note: there are some comments in the video about emergency sterilization of PPE, personal protective equipment. The suggestions have NOT been specifically tested, particularly with Coronavirus, but there is good reason to expect this would be effective technology in a pinch. However, N-95 masks are special cases, and OVERheating beyond 70C may damage their utility. Perhaps drying them with a low setting hair dryer would be advantageous.

William Domb, DMD wmdomb@verizon.net

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