[Deprogrammed] The Myth of 1619 with Dr. William Allen

4 years ago

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Keri and Carter chat with Dr. William B. Allen about the New York Times' 1619 Project.

Dr. Allen is an Emeritus Professor of Political Philosophy in the Department of Political Science and Emeritus Dean, James Madison College, at Michigan State University. He is currently a Visiting Scholar in Residence at the University of Colorado-Boulder and served previously on the United States National Council for the Humanities and as Chairman and Member of the United States Commission on Civil Rights. Recognized for excellence in liberal education on the 1997 Templeton Honor Roll, he also has been a Kellogg National Fellow, received the international Prix Montesquieu, and was the 2014 Salvatori Award winner. He has published extensively, including George Washington: A Collection, Re-Thinking Uncle Tom: The Political Philosophy of H. B. Stowe, and George Washington: America’s First Progressive.

You can learn more about Dr. Allen's work by visiting: http://williambarclayallen.com/

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About Deprogrammed
Hosted by former SJW Keri Smith, "Deprogrammed" is dedicated to unravelling Keri's former ideology.

We'll explore the philosophy, strategy, and tactics that intersectional ideologues use to program "Social Justice Warriors," turning otherwise thoughtful, critically-minded individuals into armies of extreme leftist NPCs. Some episodes are interviews with special guests, and others are deep-dives into a different aspect of "social justice" culture, drawing both from Keri's personal experience as well as current events.

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