Cuban police beats a woman for selling clothes

4 years ago

#Cuba 🇨🇺🆘 | “Abusadores!!” A civilian films from the balcony as State Security harasses Virgen Millet, a second hand clothes vendor in a busy street in Centro Habana. The woman was pushed and beaten as she tried to defend herself. According to her neighbors, Virgen has mental health issues as well. She survives of selling clothes. The Castro cops have a history of repressing “cuentapropistas” ( self employed). Known as the Castro blockade on Cubans. In the context of a global pandemic of #Covid19 the streets in the island are filled with people trying to buy food and soap, as well as making a living. This happened on March 20. The other 2 men that tried to help Virgen, were also arrested violently. When will the Castro regime stop these abuses against Cubans?

Place: Centro Habana
Victims: Virgen Millet, Virgen’s son, Barbaro Emmanuel
Source: Barbara Perez
Date: March 20, 2020

#CubaReal #Freedom4Cuba #AbuseOfForce #HumanRights #footage #policebrutality #HumanRightsViolations #Repression #Communism #ElCambioEsYa #CubaDecide #Ni1Mas #CambioDeSistema #FreeCuba #PoliceAbuse #CubaPoliceAbuse #LlegoLaHora #PNR #Minint #DTI

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