Live Chat IndusTokens 2022.07.23 (into 7.24) - 1st day of Leo fire

2 years ago

Live Chat IndusTokens 2022-07-23
- midnight into 24

Germatria time
1. Date 7.23 -> 161
2. Mr Pool Posted "113"
- Law of War manual 11.3
3. Open The Bible
- Genesis 11:3
- Revelation 11:3
4. What did the Wizard Say?
- 1111, 55
- 11:49 -> 1113 -> 111 3 -> 333
11:49 -> 60; 11 13 -> 24

Purple| Monkey Pox | Rope | Love self | fuck AI | Clock of Life
darkest hour | remote control | gate is closed

Quick review of Lobstr account basics
1. Save: Login credentials: email, password
2. Save: Stellar Address (public key), secret key, recovery phrase
3. Check assets on, save link
4. Alternative ways to access assets: SDEX, Scopuly, StellarX, stellarterm


Q1: Try to max out SGB at one shot, but only have a fraction filled... rest missing?
A1: Check order book before swapping, or set up buy orders

Q2: What does the conditions of "10B" mean of the unlocked GUARDIAN token?
A2: Unclear; the conditions of a token, just as domain name, could be changed from time to time. The most important attributes of a token - asset code and issuer account.

Q3: What is the correct issuer account for JP Morgan Chase & Co. (JPM) on
A3: was directed into, now it is back to
- Toke Name: JPM

Tokens and Current Events
1. France disappointed about Iran nuclear talk:
Elysee Palace 109
2. China New Rules on Internet / Social media, starting Aug. 1, 2022

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