A duck went to a doctor to get a human removed from her butt :

1 year ago

Please check out my sponsor Christopher gores podcasts on radiantfire.org & his books on amazon.com Protocol - how the character of our presidents reflects our political and spiritual climate and what now? Moving past the 2016 elections . He does deliverance ministry for sister barbara lynchs church lighthouse. you can connect with him through snapchat at chragore or by emailing christopher@radiantfire.org. email him if you want a free copy of his book protocol shipped to your door. https://www.amazon.com/Protocol-Character-Presidents-Political-Spiritual/dp/0986157279/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?keywords=Christopher+gore+protocol&qid=1574516979&sr=8-2 https://www.amazon.com/What-Now-Election-Jeremiah-Letters/dp/0986157287/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?keywords=Christopher+gore+moving+past+2016+elections&qid=1574516867&sr=8-1 if you want to hear more of the fantastic music featured on this broadcast peep www.bandlab.com/bobguitarsparky peep my bud prinas charity www.projecthope.charity to help young girls in Pakistan at risk of sexual abuse or domestic violence taste a brighter future through a holistic program using horse riding swimming computer skills and taekwon do. use thankyou at checkout for 20% off when you help save bees lives through www.beekind.shop peep save.bees.shop on Facebook and instagram. if you submit a photo review you can win a $20 giftcard which is how I partially paid for my bee . They gave me three free stickers

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