walking psychedelic (ag) vs. walking ad for lexapro (women everywhere)

2 years ago

i throw this camera around a lot
i've never wanted a smartphone
everyone is on that band wagon
they're addicted to the stimulation as well as validation *dopamine
modifying behavior thru impulse control
the most disturbing thing about this culture...
umbrella of technology is raining a shit parade
it's related cos tech keeps people distracted
free wifi *crack house
louis ck, love the fuck outta his weird ass
ag's version of karen: colleen
how am i gonna check my social stats?
validation validation validation validation validation
flexapro=flexing emotions til it's okay to be human
women are so brain washed
it's all women's rights
exception to the rule
what we'd do in the future if we had our way
this is all a show, man...mass puppetry
i'd rather do comedy @ black mic vs. white liberal mic
these are the choices now
trolling is so lame and uncreative
you know your ideas come from the creator but...the internet
trolling n memes...it's embarrassing
memes are not funny, you've been infantalized
a meme is a picture w/ a caption. need i say more?
draw a cartoon plz
lazy ass humor
they have to explain the joke now always
tik tok is so weird too man
3 day long breaks from the internet, yawl should try it
technology really sucks compared to God
need to go to bed but...as you know i'll see you in the next vid

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