Trump Completely Vindicated as NY Times Admits it's Works of Propaganda

1 year ago

Donald Can Now Take Comfort in Liberalism’s Collapse While Readying for 2024

As hard as it is to believe that an employee of the New York Times finally admitted that it had committed malpractice by blindly trashing Trump and spending years repeating scurrilous rumors about him. And in doing so it robbed him of any joy of his presidency and led to him being a one-term Wonder. Why did they do this? Because Donald Trump was the real deal who could come up with ideas, figure out how to achieve them, execute on that and then move on to other important subjects. Ultimately the New York Times was just kneeling at the altar of the liberal religion.

But listen to NY Times Columnist Bret Stephens:
“The worst line I ever wrote as a pundit — yes, I know, it’s a crowded field — was the first line I ever wrote about the man who would become the 45th president: “If by now you don’t find Donald Trump appalling, you’re appalling.”

This opening salvo, from August 2015, was the first in what would become dozens of columns denouncing Trump as a unique threat to American life, democratic ideals and the world itself. I regret almost nothing of what I said about the man and his close minions. But the broad swipe at his voters caricatured them and blinkered me.

It also probably did more to help than hinder Trump’s candidacy. Telling voters they are moral ignoramuses is a bad way of getting them to change their minds.

What were they seeing that I wasn’t?”

Stephens is astonishingly honest and must be feted for even flushing the Russian Collusion down the NYTime’s commode:

Nor were they impressed by Trump critics who had their own penchant for hypocrisy and outright slander. To this day, precious few anti-Trumpers have been honest with themselves about the elaborate hoax — there’s just no other word for it — that was the Steele dossier and all the bogus allegations, credulously parroted in the mainstream media, that flowed from it.

Hopefully Stephens will become editor at the Times for his probity instead of being fired for the sin of telling the truth. For if even the great Plato could publicly challenge his own ideas, the fact Stephens admitted his anti-Trump errors should give us all hope for America.

As opposed to celebrating in the streets as the monolith of Trump as ‘orange man bad’ crumbles, it's time to move on to more pressing matters. Or as one writer put it, if the “Jan 6 hearings” did anything, it was to prove Trump didn’t break the law, ironically.

Moribund Joe Biden is the gravest threat to American democracy since the Civil War. To observe the levels which the Democrats stoop while sabotaging America to cripple us into embracing socialism is simply astounding. Their only standard is Marxism. Friends, there is such a thing as pure evil and it is manifested in America by liberalism. Satan is clearly their icon.

Let’s now take advantage of the momentum shift afforded by the fall of Roe v Wade. And Joe’s doing so poorly in his work as a human puppet that liberals are now pouncing on him like a hawk nabbing an escaped toy poodle in Central Park. He’s doomed and too insensate to know. And it looks increasingly that only Trump has the vision and temerity and support to fix how Biden has turned America from the home of liberty into a public toilet in a little over a year. See: Only Trump can fix what Biden has ‘broken’: Nick Adams.

Make sure you tell anyone who’ll listen that we're fighting for the life of our republic right now. And that even a single day can make all the difference to our survival. It’s time to stand up against Marxist Democrat lies and purposeful error. Nihilistic leftists believe that anything they do is defensible because they supposedly care about the right things. Patriots – let's gird our loins and prepare for the coming season of political battle.

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