World Brain Day 2022: Simple lifestyle changes to boost brain health

1 year ago

An individual’s lifestyle has a profound impact on his or her brain health.(Shutterstock)
Published on Jul 21, 2022 08:43 PM IST
ByParmita Uniyal
Sitting all day, binge-watching till late at night, indulging in processed and deep-fried treats apart from dealing with the daily stress our work brings to our life could be playing havoc with our brain health. Our brain, one of the most crucial organs in our body, is hardly getting any breather in our fast-paced life and continuing to take it for granted could make one susceptible to many neurological and mental health disorders which could majorly affect our quality of life. (Also read: Is there a link between Alzheimer's and gut health? Here's what a study says)
decline and dementia in people who consume increased quantities of green leafy vegetables such as lettuce, collard, spinach and kale," says Dr Jyoti Bala Sharma, Director & HOD - Neurology Fortis Hospital, Noida. According to WHO, good brain health is a state in which every individual can realize their own abilities and optimize their cognitive, emotional, psychological and behavioural functioning to cope with life situations.

"An individual’s lifestyle has a profound impact on his or her brain health. Growing evidence now suggests that people can reduce their risk of cognitive decline by adopting key lifestyle habits. A balanced and healthy diet low in oils and fats and abundant in fruits and vegetables is known to be beneficial. Research has found a decreased risk of cognitive

Here are some important lifestyle changes that can help prevent brain disorders:
Regular exercise
Regular physical activity of 30 minutes 5 times a week is a part of living a healthy life. It not only keeps our bodies healthy but also helps our brain to improve its thinking, learning, problem-solving and emotional skills. Regular exercise improves memory and decreases anxiety, depression and dementia. One study found that cognitive decline is twice as common among adults who are inactive compared to those who are active.
Get 7-8 hours of quality sleep
Sleep is the foundation of our mental health and bedtime is akin to restoration time for our brains. Lack of sleep is linked to an increased incidence of weight gain, hypertension and diabetes - all risk factors for

Ignoring your brain health and leading an inactive lifestyle could make you susceptible to many brain disorders. Here are some important lifestyle changes to avoid neurological issues.

cerebrovascular accidents.
Dedicate some time for relaxation
Increased stress levels are linked to a higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Reduction of stress levels can be accomplished by having a good daily routine, reducing workplace altercations and seeking professional help where and when required.
Say no to smoking
It has been found that smokers have a thinner cerebral cortex than non-smokers. The cerebral cortex is the part of the brain responsible for thinking and reasoning skills. Some of these changes may be reversible to an extent if one quits early.
Avoid chronic diseases or manage them well
Optimal management of pre-existing diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and obesity can also help in preventing a further decline in our brain health by decreasing the risk of strokes.
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