#Cubans protest in Centro Habana

4 years ago

#Cuba 🇨🇺🛑 | “Hunger and despair are taking over the Cuban people and the police are spraying crowds everywhere. People screaming and some are throwing stones. The regime cannot demand isolation when it does not guarantee food, personal hygiene products or wages. Repression does not control hunger, which increases every day more than they will be able to control, ” the independent journalist published on Facebook.

More than a hundred people protested this Thursday in the Cuban capital amid the #coronavirus #pandemic, which has already registered 67 cases of contagion on the Island.
The incident occurred at the “La Borla” store, in front of the Sergio González park, El Curita, in Central Havana.
The protest was reportedly sparked in a queue to buy chicken, a recurring scene on the island for the past few weeks.

Source: Adrián Pérez Díaz, Babalu Blog, Martí Noticias
Date: 03-26-2020
Place: Calle Galiano, #CentroHabana

#CubaReal #Freedom4Cuba #AbuseOfForce #HumanRights #footage #policebrutality #HumanRightsViolations #Repression #Communism #ElCambioEsYa #CubaDecide #Ni1Mas #CambioDeSistema #FreeCuba #PoliceAbuse #CubaPoliceAbuse #LlegoLaHora #PNR #Minint #DTI #Protest #Covid19 #FoodRations

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