Exclusive PREVIEW of Amber Heard's media interview On the Trial | Let's Discuss with Sunshinery

2 years ago

I take a look at the preview for the Amber Heard EXCLUSIVE Interview that she will be doing Tuesday & Wednesday with NBC's TODAY show. I give A LOT of my thoughts and opinions, but I would love to hears yours as well. Please Leave a Comment and let me know. I will also be doing a Live Stream Wednesday at 8:30pm est. where I want to look at both parts and anyone that wants to join me in chat or on panel I would love to have you!

💜Links Mentioned in Video: 💜
Legal Vices Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/pusanguy

Rekieta Laws Channel: https://youtube.com/c/RekietaLaw

Legal Bytes Channel: https://youtube.com/c/LegalBytesMedia

Emily D. Bakers Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheEmilyDBaker

TODAY Article with Preview: https://www.today.com/news/news/amber-heard-nbc-news-exclusive-johnny-depp-trial-rcna33149

Kat Tenbarger's Tweet About the LawTubers:

Kat Tenbarger's Article:

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#AmberHeardExclusiveInterview #AmberHeard #AmberHeardToday #JohnnyDepp #Sunshinery

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