A safe house of Russian "separatists" in Melitopol where local residents secretly gathered for years

1 year ago

On the walls are Russian uniforms, the flag of the Ukrainian SSR and objects from the past. Since 2014, a large pro-Russian group of Melitopol residents have been gathering in this safe house, clandestinely waiting for the arrival of Russia. People still gather here to talk with like-minded people, have a drink in a bar and, out of habit, quietly disperse without attracting attention.

"Many people went and said "suitcase – station – Russia", and we got together here and discussed how it will be when Russia comes. And there were some, and others, but many knew who we were and whom we supported.

People began to bring modern items, as well as ancient artifacts associated with Russia and the USSR, spontaneously, and over time, an impressive collection gathered.

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