Step 3 on researching Quran 65:4 and Aisha Exposed

2 years ago

Steps 1 and 2 are helpful tools to know when trying to search a topic. This video is about double checking a video while using the methods of 1 and 2 videos I've made.
Without the initial act of trying to search about something means nothing when you refuse to take some time to at least trying and search.

Censorship is key when trying to hide the truth. We've learned this on many topics.
1. Whether it be Roman Catholic church hiding the details inside the Bible from the population.
2. Gov't made covid virus, when in fact Gov't made virus has "Over" 99 percent survival rate according to CDC.
3. Quran is peace, when in fact we find it is not about peace, cept for Muslims after world conquest, and only by force. (Where's the peace for everyone else "Not a Muslim"?)
Etc etc, more can be said about censorship and how they need to hide the facts and force everyone to believe blindly without question to whatever Doctrines they force on you.

Since we have internet, the era of knowledge, we have no excuse to "Not Learn" when we have the ability to learn and research almost everything your mind can think of.

Think of those who have no internet, they do must rely solely on whatever the preacher says. Just like the 1260 years prophesied by Daniel when the little horn (Papacy) started ruling by the sword and hiding the Biblical truth.
Believe in the church over the Bible?
Tradition over Bible?
Some people honestly believe that tradition holds more value then Bible, and that is sad.
Ditto with Muslims, some hold traditions over the many Qurans and Hadiths.

Anyways, researching is easy when you have the tools of internet, and this isn't even that deep of video on teaching how to search or where to go, this is simply Google searching or video double checking with Google.

How easy was this to do?

You wanna fight about Aisha? That's fine, goto your teachers and fight with them on why the many Hadiths talk about it and the teacher go against what the Hadiths say. Doesn't that mean he is a "False Teacher" cause he doesn't use his own sources?
Same with Bible teachers who refuse to use Bible or commentaries or Strong's concordance when discussing a certain topic.

Double checking is the key.

Once you've learned how to research, keep searching and don't stop. Find the Truth, and then share that truth with as many people that are willing to hear.

I hope this helps those who need it. It doesn't take much effort to research any and all Doctrines from all Religions, including the Religion of Atheism.

What you don't know will hurt you?
You don't know cause you don't even try.

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