The Content Creator's Credo

2 years ago

I believe that the Freedom of Speech
is a Universal International Right,
that all opinions shall be tolerated,regardless if agreeable or disagreeable.
I believe in the First Amendmentof the United States Constitution:Freedom of Expression,
Freedom of Religion, not from it.Freedom of the Press,
the right of the people to peaceably assemble,
be it physically or spiritually or virtually or digitally.
I believe in the separation of church and state and corporation.I believe that truth is non-binary,
and can be objective, subjective, normative or complex;
there are no eternal facts, as there are no absolute truths, except the Word of God.
For us Creators and for our Content
great thinkers have philosophized,
and our Founding Fathers debated the dangers of cancellation and censorship for centuries,
and no individual shall be indemnified of criticism or mockery.
For there is honesty in jest.
I pledge that the ideas I share are my own,
and are not the expressed opinions of any violent criminal organizations.
The only group I represent is the human race,
and I reserve the right to interview any of my counterparts without fear, threats or intimidation,
with their opinions being their own,
with my opinions being my own,
for association does not always equal shared beliefs.
I pledge to perform in a professional, dignified manner,
and to not bully, harass or slander my fellow human creatures,
to refrain from hate, anger, sedition, vulgarity harassment, pornography,
cautioning that sarcasm can at times be misinterpreted as such.
I believe in the counter-speech doctrine,
that the remedy to negative, harmful speech is more positive, helpful speech, not enforced silence,
that no person shall be denied access to social media,
which is the marketplace of ideas
and today’s town square,
that Section 230 privatizes communism
and legalizes libel,
and that content creators who have broken community guidelines in the past deserve retribution
because we are all constituents of the human party
and humans are fallible. Amen.


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