Astrosonics Aspects and Affirmations for the Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction in Pisces April 12 '22

2 years ago
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Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction in Pisces April 12 '22 Aspects and Affirmations:

Moon/Pluto quincunx:
Intense emotions are a gift that reveal the passion I have for transforming negative energies into positive ones

Moon/Ven opp:
When I feel prosperous and state my gratitude, I am also steering the collective energies in the direction of prosperity.

Moon/Mars opp
I allow any personal anger to find healthy expression so that all my energy is freed up to serve the highest good in my life and in the world.

Moon/Sedna sq.
When I remember that Creator is the Source of ALL good things, I am able to trust the intense emotions that arise as validation of my human heart, and messengers that show me where I’ve gone out of balance,

Sun/Pluto (rules SN) square:
No matter what transpires in the world, I know and trust the power within me that comes from Source alone, and the love that transforms, renews, and regenerates, anything negative into a blessing.

Mercury/Pluto square:
My mind is a powerful tool that I use only in service to universal mind, and the innate power within my soul.

Mars/Sat conjunction
I concentrate my passion and energy toward creating legacies that protect and sustain life for the highest good of all.

Mars/Sedna square:
My passion and drive to serve the Source of all living beings is the instrument through which all prosperity flows to me.

Jup/Nep conj:
I celebrate my heaven on earth right now, and with gratitude enter the portal of prosperity that heralds humanity’s spiritual ascension.

Jup/NN (Venus) sextile:
Prosperity comes easily as I remain in gratitude for the infinite beauty that surrounds me everyday.

Jup/SN (Pluto) trine:
As I realize the infinite value that resides within my soul, I manifest infinite wealth in my physical reality.

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