🍀Do you feel lucky? 🌈🌈

2 years ago

🌈 Montreal, Quebec🌈July 20, 2022
The Universe spoke to me at 7:55pm.

🌈Montreal , Quebec 🌈 July 12, 2022
The Universe spoke to me at 7:55pm.

🌈Same Spot.
🌈Same Time.
🌈Same Place.
🌈Same Size.

🍀Do you feel lucky?

#globalnewsmontreal #globalnewsto
#tvanouvelle #montrealgazette #citynewsmontreal #cjad800 #lejournaldemontreal #GlobalNews #RebelNews #mtlblog #Justice #Montreal #Quebec #Rainbow #fourleafclover🍀 #symbolism

The chances of winning the Quebec 6/49 lottery is : 1 in 13,983,816

The chances of seeing the same rainbow at the same exact spot at the same exact time and it being the same size when it’s not even raining out is:
1 out of impossible.


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