Digital Dictatorship - Aman Jabbi with Dr Carrie Madej

1 year ago

Facial Recognition, Digital Identity, Surveillance, ZeroTrust & Smart Cities - The 'Digital Prison' being installed explained. Presentation by Aman Jabbi. Live streamed to Dr Carrie Madej on 19th July 2022. Aman was at the forefront of video and camera technology in Silicon Valley. He has co-founded two camera startups. If you have a camera in your phone, stream video or movies, he played a part in it.

This presentation is probably the most important video you will ever watch. Aman explains in a very concise easy to understand manner the 'Digital Prison' that is being built around us all. A 'Digital Prison' that will remove all of our freedoms, rights, liberties and being a human forever. I am seeing a lot of indicators that the 'Digital Prison' will be switched on during 2024.

Everywhere you go & every building you enter 'look up' at the ceiling!!!! In recent weeks in the UK I am starting to see the 'Facial Recognition' cameras popping up very subtly. In Supermarkets at every checkout area, train stations, buses, LED street lamps, doctors surgeries, even pubs! Very quietly being installed everywhere. LOOK UP AT THE CEILING! They are black bulb looking cameras.

A manager at Tesco's confirmed that the 'Facial Recognition' camera are recording your face and staff have been told is sending to Tesco's HQ. No reason is given to staff as to why. I was also pointed to look up at the ceiling which was littered with 'Facial Recognition' camera's. We know the images they are recording of you are going to the cloud as 'live' to a blockchain ledger account that is logging the data of everything you are purchasing. When Digital iD is rolled out in 2024 everything you are buying NOW and are behaving will be used against you.


Tyranny is evil. Accepting tyranny is even more evil!

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They have been subtly programming our minds with things such as Selfies......encouraging people to get used to looking in the camera with their FACES. Terms like; LOCKdown, FACE mask, TRUSTpilot reviews on goods & services. First social media platform 'FACE' book!

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