2 years ago

Text copied from Telegram.

1, Charing Cross police station 20/07/22 giving evidence to the Duty Inspector and a Constable.
2, evidence submitted from the American Dr, Poornima Wagh regarding the non existence of COVID -19.
3, thank you to Jaz for being there, for his input and recording the whole interview.
4, thank you to Brian Hill for so brilliantly processing the video to social media sites.
5, it has been made clear if the police do not do their job the public will make citizens arrests.
6, we are demanding the criminal investigation 6029679/21 is reopened.
7, we now wait for the Metropolitan Police to action these requests straight away, as soon as there is any update it will be made public.
Please bear with us.
8, the full presentation and the 1 hour 20 minute video from Dr Wagh has been sent to the Metropolitan Police. Dr Wagh has given me permission to do so and is prepared to liaise and assist the police in every way.
The link to that video is here. (

9, the reference number for Wednesday’s incident at Charing Cross is 4958 of 20/07/2022.
10, the video was edited very slightly in a couple of places, this was purely to remove private and personal information about Jaz and me.
11, thank you to everyone for making the huge effort by being there on the day at such short notice.
12, to those arrested I hope you were all released no further police action. I have been told there were four arrests, I only know one of those arrested.
13, the conversation with the Sergeant in Parliament Square was recorded also. This will be made public once it has been downloaded. This was prior to attending Charing Cross and explains why we went there in the first place.

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