A lot of EDM is not bad at all when it's simple

4 years ago

"A lot of EDM is not bad at all when it's simple, but a lot of it is not really musical. That's just what I really like to do: taking what I had at the beginning, which is classical and jazz influences, and putting it into electro." ~ Zedd
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Translated titles:
Beaucoup d'EDM n'est pas mal du tout quand c'est simple

Um monte de EDM não é ruim quando é simples

EDM asko ez da batere txarra erraza denean

Шмат EDM зусім не дрэнна, калі гэта проста

Много EDM изобщо не е лошо, когато е просто

Veel EDM is helemaal niet slecht als het eenvoudig is

Paljon EDM: ää ei ole ollenkaan huono, kun se on yksinkertaista

Mycket EDM är inte alls dåligt när det är enkelt

Una gran cantidad de EDM no está nada mal cuando es simple

Viel EDM ist überhaupt nicht schlecht, wenn es einfach ist

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