"Turn The Camera Off!!" Boston PD. Try To Violate #1stAmendment. C0vid-19 Testing Site. NO CAMERAS.

4 years ago

I went to a couple hospitals and testing sites to see if these places were as busy as mainstream media is making us believe. So far I've been to a total of over 9 hospitals and testing sites and it is not close to what they are showing on the news. I've gone from Community Hospitals to City hospitals. Including Boston Medical Center. I spoke to many people in the medical field that work at hospitals all the way from nurses, medical assistance, EMTs and even supporting staff that works at hospitals such as administrative assistants. All of them have told me the hospitals are not busy at all they are actually being sent home or there shifts are being canceled. Most are starting to realize they might be getting laid off themselves and I are going to fall into the non-essential workers. This is starting to wake the masses up because it is affecting them personally. I hope everybody starts to research and realize what it's actually going on. It's time to wake up people!!!

#MassAccountability #FilmYourHosptial #PoliceThePolice #PhotographyIsNotACrime #1stAmendment #AlwaysFilmThePolice #FilmThePolice #FTP #AFTP #PINAC #KnowledgeIsPower #KnowYourRights #BlueLinePrivilege #ThinBlueLinePrivilege #SocialDistancing #Salem #Boston #Quincy #Revere #Dorchester #EmptyHospitals #MSM #Presstitute #OperationMockingbird #Agenda2030 #Depopulation #Plannedemic #Covid19 #Coronavirustruth

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