House Upon A Hill (Original Love Song)

4 years ago

House Upon A Hill (Original Love Song) country vibes

I have certainly been a FOOL in love, and it has ruined a great deal of my life... haha... however here is a song I wrote about some people that got it right... my grandparents (both of em)


Jackie was a lineman from Lincoln
Worked them fingers down to the bone
Connie gave him 3 sons and daughters
turned that house into a home
and they'd go walkin'
shoppin for Gucci Shoes and Red Wine
now all the grandbabbies are drivin a mercedes
no more sleeping at the five and dime

I love you more than anyone ever will
I'm gonna build us that House Upon A Hill

All them boys talk the talk, I walk the line
You are the only woman that can ease my worried mind
I know why I wrote every word to this tune
I know how many miles it takes to get to the moon
Baby I'm a singer, so I wrote you a song
Ya you're my one and only sugar
I'm so lucky, you're my shining star

Ya know when we first met, maybe it wasn't the right time
But right about now the future's lookin mighty fine
So you don't even need to ask, I do
I wanna spend the rest of my life waking up next to you
And when its my time to die, have em bury me by your side
Ive been yours always and forever honey, see you on the otherside...


Thanks for listening and subscribing!

Covergeist is my grandmothers maiden name Cover and her married name Geist
It is also my middle name

Hip Hop Acoustic Guitar
ਨਚ ਟੱਪ ਧੁਨੀ ਗਿਟਾਰ
हिप हॉप ध्वनिक गिटार
היפ הופגיטרה אקוסטית
акустическая гитара хип-хоп
ヒップホップ アコースティックギター
原声吉他 嘻哈(音乐
هيب هوبالغيتار الصوتي
어쿠스틱 기타 힙합





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