The Comprehensive Timeline of the CCP's Cover-up of the COVID-19 Pandemic (1)

4 years ago

The comprehensive timeline of the Chinse Communist Party (CCP) 's Cover-up of COVID-19 Pandemic
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While the CCP is trying to rewrite history, we must straighten out the record first. It is not only helpful for our current battle against the most damaging disaster, but also much needed now and in the near future, when humankind tries to hold the CCP responsible for this disaster it imposed on mankind.
During the coronavirus pandemic, we learned, perhaps in a very bitter way, how our future and our fate depend on our current actions and decisions, and how important it is for us to have true, correct information to make correct decisions. Whether we have true information or not, will decide our fate and our future, both for our nations, and ourselves.
So I am hoping that I can bring forth some valuable and useful information and insights about China to the world. I do believe true information can save lives. That is the reason why I started this program. I hope you find it useful and helpful.
For more:
#CCPVirus #COVID2019 #Coronavirus #CoronavirusOutbreak #CoronavirusPandemic #coronaviruschina #Coronavirustruth #CoronaVirusUpdate #CoronaVirusChallenge
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