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It's a lightning night in Georgia

2 years ago

Were the Georgia Guide Stones destroyed by an act of God? Watch and judge for yourself. The physics says yes! As a physics teacher of 40+ years, I took the best parts of Coach Dave Daubenmire’s super production and added my scientific two cents worth. It is way past time for Americans, especially Christians, to get in the battle. Complaining is useless. Short term winning or losing has no bearing on what one must do. Yes, we win in the eternal sense, but the battle here and now is on. First, and foremost, it is a spiritual battle and must be waged both spiritually and physically. Find out what amazing legal and lawful order (by their own constructs) is available to all Americans if we get off our butts! www.hudok.info

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • Ive had arguements with people , even after they see the light get brighter and the blue flash, no atf or any investigation, they still see what the news tells them to see

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