Firing the Firefighters (The Jobes Family)

2 years ago

"If not for the grace of God, that could be me."
How many times in life have we experienced such despair and
felt such helplessness and hopelessness?
How about the fear of asking for help?
How about your husband, Justin, a fireman, losing his job for refusing to take the COVID jab or lose his job....then loses it...with no hope for unemployment from the State of Washington as a punishment for going against orders. Instead, he followed his conscience.
One can only collect unemployment in the State of Washington for unjust firing. One cannot collect unemployment, if the person voluntarily quits or is let go for insubordination (not following orders).
Why should he have disobeyed his conscience, and have been a possible victim to an 'experimental vaccine' that is not a vaccine and has caused many irreversible injuries, including deaths.
His wife and children can be thankful that he chose not to take the shot; thus, he is still alive to help them and tell his story of surviving and of a choice to follow his conscience. He is a brave man and a true rescuer thinking of others, rather than of himself, first. He deserves our gratitude and The Presidential Medal of Freedom for standing up against an illegal mandate and leading others towards critical thinking and standing up for what is right under the law.

Add five kids, selling the family home to cover medical bills, rent, then $4,000.00 per month in special medicine for a life-threatening condition. No job, no money, limited state medical insurance, but no medicine; it is just too expensive for the state to pay for.
Can you see their darkness now that the story has been laid out before you? Yes, that could be you. That could be me.

That is what is happening to Cutzi Jobes and her husband, Justin, a first responder...a man who in the height of the COVID outbreak answered the never-ending calls for medical help for those dying from COVID who could not breathe.

Because of them we and our loved ones and friends made it through.

Can you be their rescuers? Their light?

In the words of John Gage from the infamous television show, Emergency, "Rampart, this is Squad 51. We are sending you a strip and will transport the patient immediately."

"Inject them with D5Hopium, send me a strip, and transport immediately. Dr. God out."

Eucatastrophe Coffee & Used Books
Lynden, WA
Stop by to help the Jobes.

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