Dr. Bob Larson “ Can Children be Possessed by Demons ? ” along with Laura Larson

2 years ago

Dr. Bob Larson and his wife, Laura Larson, both who are world renown experts on anything dealing with Spiritual Warfare, come back to visit one of their preferred programs, Power and Counsel with Pastor Sammy to discuss a unique and rare topic that millions have at one time or another been faced with, “Can Children be demonized?”. If this is so, what can be done about it? This is a very in-depth teaching, not for the faint of heart. If you are ready for this challenge, we caution you to be ready for a strong but detailed discussion, in the style of the REAL DEAL, when it comes to this crisis. We do want to warn you ahead of time, that this program discusses very serious matters, and it is not meant to substitute any psychiatric or medical treatment that you are currently under by a medical professional. Are you ready? If so, jump in, click the LIKE button, the Subscribe and Follow/Bell Notification button to “all”, sharing it with as many as you can, so that together we will SUPERNATURALLY WALK on WATER!

If you need one on one ministry please reach out for an appointment at Walk on Water Ministries with Pastor Sammy at (216) 810- 6145 or email us at pastorsammysalazar.wow@mail.com

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