Need to Know TEXAS TUESDAY (19 July 2022) with Joe Olson and Mike Cunningham

1 year ago

The President of Serbia declares that "All hell is about to break loose in Ukraine!" if Ukraine and the NATO nations do not acknowledge Russia's claim to Crimea, where WWIII has already begun. In the meanwhile, Joe Biden declares the US is willing to go to war with Iran to deny it access to nuclear weapons (on behalf of Israel). So this guy is far more concerned with the interests of other countries and could care less about those of the United States. An instructor at Harvard encourages the harassment of Supreme Court. Justices who vote contrary to the preferences of Democrats, which is both illegal and indefensible. The SCOTUS Marshal has called upon the governors of the appropriate states to enforce the law against these practices, where only the Virginia Governor has responded appropriately. Trump has a remarkable 94% endorsement record so far this year, which is astonishingly good. RINO Romney warns against Trump, but is blowing against the wind. Biden's effort to enlist the Executive Branch to
engage in electoral efforts is only one more of his unconstitutional actions, which are all in vain. Health experts are leaving the CDC and NIH in droves over "fake science" and vax for kids, which is unwarranted and will bring about the death of many children. Joachim Hagopian spells out the crimes against humanity coming from the WEF and the NWO in their efforts to gain control of Planet Earth. And Trump says he has made his decision about running in 2024 but not about the best time to announce it.

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