Hitler the Atheist

3 years ago

Hitler the Atheist

One of the arguments that I get most often, in terms of responding to my arguments in Atheism Kills, is that Hitler was a believer. A great Catholic or Protestant depending on who you talk to. The problem is, they’re wrong. Hitler was no Protestant. He was no Catholic whatsoever. That fact that he may have been born a Catholic doesn’t mean that he holds on to those Catholic views for the rest of his life. So you really can’t use that in the argument against the believer. In this case, me.

Never did he ever harken to the teachings of the Bible, about God, about Jesus, or otherwise…
Hitler was an atheist. This also applies to all of the fascist leaders. To all of the communist leaders. All of the most despotic leaders of all time have been atheists. Their writings are very strong in favor of atheism and very hostile toward the church. Understand that if you’re going to be making the argument that somehow Hitler was a faithful person. He was not. Likewise with Mao. Likewise with Mussolini. And all the other fascists and all the other communist dictators who wrought such havoc on civilization in the 20th century.

ATHEISM KILLS available at Amazon: https://amzn.to/2Mbyxgy

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