Special Sermon "Empowered by the Holy Spirit" by Jimmy Evans

2 years ago

Senior Pastor at Gateway Church in Dallas, Texas, Jimmy Evans teaching on what the bible tells us about the Holy Spirit. How we receive the Holy Spirit when we are born again and how we receive power and our prayer language plus other abilities when we receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit which the Bible teaches is a separate event. How we can receive this baptism and its different uses. Jimmy gives his on testimony of how this happened in his life. Satan has deceived many churches into either not teaching this at all, teaching it incorrectly, misusing and twisting how the Holy Spirit works to frighten sincere seekers from the baptism. Satan knows how needed and powerful it is so he works hard to keep Christians afraid and confused about it. You will welcome this easy to understand, inspired, insightful bible teaching on the baptism of the Holy Spirit which you must already be saved to receive. Please share.

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