3 John 1:13-14 Face to Face fellowship

1 year ago

3 John 1:13-14 Face to Face fellowship
It is always great to hear from an old friend through an email, text or letter but compares to seeing them face to face. You can see the emotions on their face, and you can spend some time catching up on old times. John tells Gaius that he has so much to tell him but that he doesn’t want to do it in a letter he wants to come and see him face to face. He wants to set together over a cup off coffee or lunch catch up with a friend and brother in Christ because this is much better than sending a written letter. We don’t know if John ever got to make it back to have the fellowship with Gaius that he desired but we do know that we have regular opportunities to meet face to face with our brothers and sisters in Christ and many of us don’t take advantage of it. We look for excuses to not make it to services instead of having a sincere desire to have face to face fellowship with our church family.
I think that podcasts, live streams, Christian television shows, and YouTube sermons are awesome tools in the hand of the believer but none of them can replace being in a live service with your brothers and sisters. Hebrews 10:25 says that we should not forsake assembling and as we see the end drawing near; we should seek to assemble even more often. There is something powerful that takes place in corporate worship when likeminded individuals gather to uplift God and learn more about Him. We need this fellowship in our lives as believers to be successful in our spiritual walk and therefore the author of Hebrews encouraged everyone to make it a priority. I must admit that I am naturally an introvert, so my natural tendency is to isolate, in fact when covid restrictions was issued Shawnna claimed I was built for the quarantine lifestyle. So, for someone like me to tell you how important it is, lets you know that I believe it is a critical part of the Christian life because my flesh doesn’t desire it. We should seek every opportunity we can to be a part of corporate worship and to spend time in fellowship with our church family.

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