NEW YORKERS Defend First Amendment in Mayor’s driveway 21st July

1 year ago

Fearless leaders D’Anna, Jack, Robert, Mirv, Mike and Marie stood toe-to-toe into the heat of the night defending their Speech and Assembly in Carl Schurz Park.

The sidewalk ends wherever the NYPD draw their imaginary line and that’s where we wanted to be. Freedom Fighters stood their ground and held the line in the face of threats of arrest. Repeated and countless threats, to be honest.

There were no arrests made last night. The imaginary stockade designed to corral in the anti child vax activists disappeared the moment we dispersed. The sidewalk and park entrance were wide open to the public until the freedom lovers were profiled and segregated against at their own anti-segregation protest.

Big cheer to those who stood chin high, chest out risking their freedom at every turn.

Pfizer bitch eR!c AdamZ and his protectors need to think twice. The longer this attack prolongs against the protectors of our city and the children of this city, the longer we will remain in protest of the unnecessary, unproven, untested and unneeded vax/mask propaganda and violations.

Two cops per month are perishing from the vax. It is covered up. We the People are the media now. We have a moral responsibility to warn parents at the vax sites that children are getting injured from the free vax provided by the City. We will hold the demons accountable. God will judge you, AdamZ and Vasan.

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