#LockDownNZ #Day9 The Narrative 2020 LockDownNZ #Day 9

4 years ago

Sorry, there is no Day 8 since I took the day off due to exhaustion from doing too much work with my health being the way it is.
Also, I apoligize for the poor sound quality on Rico with the Messenger patch through. I was going to edit the sound quality and raise it up for his parts but it would take me longer than I have spare with all the workload that I have going on right now.
Please feel free to come across to www.facebook.com/comic.nz to check out Whangarei, New Zealand pop culture and comic book scene.
Hope you all are keeping safe.

Weekly rants and opinions pieces about the previous week as well as thoughts on Pop Culture and stuff that interests me. All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Article 19 - Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Social Media other than YouTube:

I also run my own comic book studio, Plunge Studios NZ, here in beautiful Whangarei, New Zealand, which is holding its first Plunge Indie Comic Convention in partnership with Rising Sun Publishing on Saturday 13th July 12pm to 5pm (NZ Time).
Homebase: www.facebook.com/plungenz
We will be livestreaming the convention on

If you would like to support what I do as way of keeping the online community updated on the comic books, sculpture art and design, as well as writing and publishing comic books, thru www.risingsuncomics.com

Or, just subscribe and ask others to as well. At the moment I would rather not have the channel become monetized.

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