UN Sec. Gen. Brainwash World Youth and Trick Them into Joining the Cult of Climate Change

2 years ago

UN Sec. Gen. Brainwash World Youth and Trick Them into Joining the Cult of Climate Change

When you understand that the United Nations is in a Direct Partnership with the WEF Great Reset-

Then you will understand that every UN response to

Climate Change
Covid Pandemic
Ukraine War
Global Food Crisis

Are all in line with the Great Reset World Takeover Agenda.

The United Nations calls out all of the major problems the world is facing all at the same time

They of course blame Russia and Climate Change for Fuel and Food Shortages

In reality, the UN allowed NATO Agression to force Russia to take Military Action

Again they blame the Pandemic for Supply Chain Breakdown and Climate Change for Food Shortages

In reality, this is all part of a Globalist Attack to destroy world Economies and force the Great Reset

Though the UN is in a Direct Partnership with the WEF, they fail to report who is really behind everything

The UN knows damn well the world is under attack, and they are covering it all up.

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