How To Cook Angel Hair Pasta In The Microwave

2 years ago

How To Cook Angel Hair Pasta In The Microwave

Did you know you can cook spaghetti and all kinds of pasta Directly in the microwave

You will need a safe microwave dish

In less than 15 minutes, you can be sitting down to a big steaming bowl of pasta

Add the water, olive oil, and salt and then the pasta. You’ll need to break the pasta in half to fit nicely in the dish


I cook the pasta for 9 minutes total in the microwave. The 6-minute mark and giving it a good stir really helps prevent the pasta from sticking together in big clumps.  

If you are using a thicker pasta like spaghetti or linguine, you’ll probably need and extra few minutes in the microwave.  I’d check at the 9-minute mark and then keep microwaving for an additional 3 minutes before checking if the pasta is done.  Then, check again every 2-3 minutes until it’s done. 

* Angel hair pasta, broken in half
* 1 tablespoon olive oil
* dash of salt
* 1 cup of water
* 3-4 tablespoons marinara sauce or your choice of spaghetti sauce
* 2 teaspoon parmesan cheese
* optional: 1/4 mozzarella cheese

1. Add water, salt, and olive oil to microwave-safe casserole dish
2. Break the angel hair pasta in half and criss cross in the water.
3. Cook for 6 minutes on HIGH in the microwave.
4. Remove and stir the pasta.
5. Cook an additional 3 minutes.
6. Drain the pasta.
7. Add marinara sauce and cheese
8. Microwave for one minute
9. Enjoy!

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