Scot Stoddard - If Only - The Legend of Captain Trick

4 years ago

If Only is Track 2 from the new Victory EP from Scot Stoddard Music. This is a hard rock/classic metal song with a melodic hook and a shredding lead guitar solo! It's fast, quite up-tempo, it's pretty heavy and it hits ya hard. This is a hard rock song!

If Only, lyrically, gets into the head of a guy who's trying to figure out how to get his lady to feel like he does about their potential relationship. He's trying to get through to her how much he cares, and he's saying to himself If Only there was a way to make her understand, to get her on the same page, they could really have something together. That's the lyrical content of the chorus.

The verses, however, show that young man's scattered state of mind, and really that he's thinking about a LOT of things which cause him uncertainty. He's worried about his surroundings, he's worried about the potential threat of dangerous world leaders, he's worried about the oppression of freedom of speech, he's worried that nobody takes him seriously, including the lady he's trying to reach out to. Let's face it, the guy's a wreck. But he knows what he wants in the long run; he's just not sure if he can get it, and that causes him more uncertainty. If Only he could find a way...

Also in the lyrics in this song is the first mention of a character we've come to know as Captain Trick. Captain Trick is a special type of character, as he changes every year! Some people always stay the same and they're Never Gonna Change, but Captain Trick, he changes every year.

A lot of the guitar solos on the Victory EP I've tried to do in a melodic fashion, with taste. The guitar solo on If Only throws melody out the window in favor of lightening fast tapping and frantic runs. Sometimes ya just gotta get that shred solo in, and this song definitely calls for it.

If Only and the Victory EP can be found on my Spotify profile at:

And I can be found in a lot of other places around the web:

Video clips by and

Captain Trick says to listen to If Only!

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