EpEver/EpSolar MT50 Remote Display: Device Information Screen

3 years ago

Answering a viewer question about the "Rate.Vol" value in the Device Info. screen.

This screen displays the nameplate ratings of the connected charge controller. My 20A change controller is rated for up to 24V nominal battery voltage and up to 20A charge and discharge current. These values are hard coded into the charge controller and can't be modified by the user.

The actual output/battery voltage of the device is set in the 4. Control Parameters screen.
The confusing bit is that on the 2nd control parameter setting screen, the item labelled Rated Voltage is what sets the operating voltage. Normally I leave this on the default "Auto" setting and the controller automatically senses the battery voltage and configures for that. There are also 24V and 12V settings to override the voltage sensing feature. As I understand it, any battery voltage of 17.0 volts or less is sensed as a 12V battery.

However, this setting will not change anything in the Device Information screen. It will still report the controllers maximum rated voltage, charge and discharge current.

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