Bike - Hike GeoCaching: Introduction

3 years ago

Getting off the bike to explore some new areas up in the Santa Cruz Mtns. to do some GeoCaching and other exploring.

After riding up on these trails for the last 10 years, I've seen lots of signs of past activity that looked like they would be interesting to explore. However, these areas are not accessible by bike and with the ominous warning signs all over, I was reluctant to venture off trail. But through finding GeoCaches that were farther and farther off the trail, I gained the confidence to get off the trails and see what lay beyond the brush lining the trails.

The following videos will cover these GeoCaches below:

A Secret Trailhead Redwood Pair (Premium cache):

Grav3stones cache:

It wasn't really missing! cache:

San Jose Mercury News article:

AlphaRoaming blog posts:

YouTube videos:
Initial cataloging (seems to be missing):

Moving them out!:

Not only is this fun, but also environmentally friendly. If I drove up to where there's legal parking, I would burn 2 gallons, or more, of gasoline. Riding the bicycle from home saves that energy, plus it lets me get right to the start of the hike instead of having to park several miles away and then hike to and from the area I want to explore.

More to come...
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