Halo Infinite: Noob doing No Scopes + Ninja + Shotti Kills! [Tribute]

1 year ago

Halo Infinite: Tribute to those who inspired me! [Best Moments Montage]

PS: Includes Intro commentary saying thank you! 👏


◽ Yo so this was interesting to say the least! Since I started a week ago (ish) I only played with Pro friends like you've seen in my ranked clips. Well last night I tried non ranked lobbies & I HULK SMASHED! Its crazy how fast you learn playig with such amazing players that help you get good quicker!

◾ Im taking this game serious. Any advice / tips please leave them in the comments! Im open to criticism for sure.


◽ Thanks for watching & everyone who's had my back since doing Halo. I appreciate you all & the inspiration 🙌👍


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