This mantra destroys the fear of serious diseases and premature death

1 year ago

#narsimha #narsimhamantra #powerfulmantra #meditation #removenegativeenergy #removeobstacles #morningmantra

This mantra destroys the fear of serious diseases and premature death

The ultimate benefit of chanting Narashimha mantras is the removal of all kinds of fears and anxieties. These mantras can work in a subtle way on the minds of the chanters and give them courage, confidence, faith and fearlessness.

The form and outlook of Lord Narasimha teach us that evil does not triumph over good. Those who support malevolence would be annihilated by God as He is everywhere. A number of Mantras in Sanskrit herald, praise and pray to Lord Narasimha and chanting any chosen Narasimha Mantra with due reverence, diligence and devotion can remove fears and bestow all good on the devotees. A collection of simple, but profound Narasimha Mantras that can confer multifarious benefits are as given below.

Benefits of chanting Narasimha Mantra :

1 Protect devotees from all types of misfortunes in life and gives
successive successes in all attempts.
2 Reduces mental agony, relieves stress, and depressions.
3 Those suffering from mental diseases can chant this mantra.
4 Helps to avert enemies and the problems caused by them.
5 Prevent misunderstanding that can cause arguments, disputes,
and hate between family and friends.

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