圣经是你的生活指南,还是耶稣是你的生活指南?(Anthony)Is The Bible Your Compass or Is Jesus?

2 years ago

SOURCE https://youtu.be/R0FxEg11x-0

2022年7月22日 Posted by Follow The Good Shepherd

如果再也没有机会接触到圣经的话,你会怎么办?如果地球上再也找不到圣经了,你该怎么办?你会感到失落和绝望吗?你会感觉好像你再也没有救恩指南或者导航图了? 如果你是这样,你真的认识耶稣吗?你真的认识他的声音吗?你是藉着圣灵在跟随他吗?事实就是,如果这就是你的心理感受的话,那你还不认识耶稣。你与他并没有一个真实的关系。许多基督徒把圣经当成了偶像。他们认为创造你和创造万物的上帝都包含在经书里的这些纸中。但是一本书并没有能力。圣经本身见证了永活的上帝,并且见证了耶稣是真实的“上帝的道”,耶稣自己就是“上帝的道”,我们每天的所行的路上的每一个脚步,都必须藉着圣灵跟随他。即使我们熟读或背诵了圣经,我们并不认识启示了这些话语的那一位 ,那我们什么都没有。耶稣会透过你错综复杂的生活来带领着你的每一个脚步。但是阅读其他人的见证或者预言,即使是阅读了全部记录在圣经里的耶稣自己说的话,你不会在你所行的路上得着指引,直到得着救恩。你必须认识这一位活的上帝,你必须与他有一个真实互动的关系,而不仅仅是知道他。圣经是无可挑剔的。这是一个很棒的礼物 我们可以从中读到许多见证,读到先知预言,也可以读到记录在其中的耶稣曾说过的话。但是他今天仍然正在说话,而且他每天都在说话。他的羊会认识他的声音,并且会跟随他。所以你认识他的声音吗?你在跟随他吗?愿耶稣祝福你。

What would you do if you no longer had access to a Bible? What would you do if there was no Bibles left on the planet? Would you feel lost and hopeless? Would you feel like you don't have a compass or the map to salvation anymore? If you feel that way, do you really know Jesus? Do you really know his voice? Do you follow him by his holy spirit? Because the truth is, if that's how you feel in your heart, you don't know Jesus. You don't really have a relationship with him. You see, a lot of Christians idolize the Bible in this way. They think that the God that created you, the God that created everything, is contained on paper in a book. But a book has no power. The Bible itself is just testimony of a living God, of the true word of God, which is Jesus. Jesus himself is the word of God, and we have to follow him by his holy spirit, each and every day, every step of the way. If we read our Bibles front to back, and we know it in our heart, and we have it memorized, but we don't know the one whom inspired those words, then we have nothing. Jesus will lead you through all the intricacies of your life, every step of the way, but reading other men's testimonies or prophecies and even reading over Jesus's words himself recorded, will not lead you every step of your way until salvation. You have to know the living God. You have to have a real, living relationship with him, and not just know about him. The Bible is definitely nothing to throw out. It's a wonderful gift that we have to be able to read those testimonies, to be able to read the prophecy and read the words that Jesus spoke that were recorded. But he's still speaking today. He speaks every day, and his sheep will know his voice, and they will follow him. So do you know his voice? And do you follow him? May Jesus bless you?

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