Victory for Religious Liberty, with Mr. Michael King at Camp Constitution 2022

2 years ago

Michael serves as Director of Community Alliances with the Massachusetts Family Institute. He served as Family Ministries Director at a local church and as Principal of a K-12th Christian school. He has his Bachelor's degree in Political Science from Messiah College and Master's Degree in Christian Leadership from Liberty University. Michael continues to network with local pastors and leaders in the church to educate and motivate people to stand up for righteousness in the public square. MFI's groundbreaking book, Engage the Bay State, clearly defines the culture war we find ourselves in today between the precepts of the Bible and secular human thinking. Michael and the team at MFI hope to inspire Christians to engage with their local government leaders and inspire Biblical decisions with regard to such foundational cultural institutions like marriage, life and religious liberty. Michael is the father of five children.

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