Ancient civilizations the world over believed Earth to be the flat, immovable center of the universe

2 years ago

The Stationary Immovable Fixed Flat Earth

Ancient civilizations the world over believed Earth to be the flat, immovable center of the universe around which the heavens revolved daily cycles in perfect circles. This stable geocentric universe, proven true by experience and experiments, which reigned undisputed for thousands of years adequately explaining all Earthly and celestial phenomena, was violently uprooted, spun around, and sent flying through infinite space by a cabal of Sun-worshipping theoretical astronomers. Early Masonic magicians like Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton, along with their modern Masonic astro-not counter-parts like Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins, hand-in-hand with NASA and world Freemasonry have pulled off the greatest hoax, propagated the most phenomenal lie, and perpetuated the most complete indoctrination in history.

💥💥LibertyResearch, Johnsambo70, barbbruce, ChrisLaw1, Helecon, markbierley, Pacoone, AscendingProof, lib3rty0rd3ath, gravelgrinder1, kevinsmithjr, BobTouchette, Theratfink, Plaster, levistrasser, ager78, and 1969pontiaclemansman are paid shills. Don't respond to them 💥💥

They also delete their own comments and try to blame the channel 🥴

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