Importance of Inner Earth & Sacred Tibet Text to US Romanian Investigation of Bucegi Hall of Records

2 years ago

Peter Moon edited and published the 7 volume Transylvania Sunrise book series by Radu Cinamar, a covert operative with a top secret Romanian Intelligence unit called "Department Zero," which is investigating paranormal phenomena associated with the discovery of a Hall of Records inside the Bucegi Mountains. In Book 4 of the series, The Secret Parchment, Radu Cinamar explains his experiences regarding the discovery of an ancient Tibetan Buddhist parchment given to him by an extraterrestrial/goddess called Machandi in a remote location in the Himalayas.

Peter describes Radu's efforts in translating and disseminating the Parchment's contents and its importance to Romania's Department Zero paranormal research. Peter also discusses his own fieldwork in Romania's Valley of the Golden Throne that corroborates key aspects of Book 4 concerning the discovery of an ancient underground structure filled with pure gold that had been plundered by the Romans, but has been hidden ever since their departure.

Peter next discusses Inside the Earth, Book 5 of the series, which presents a wealth of information concerning space time portals and tunnels connecting the Inner Earth with the surface world. He discusses Radu Cinamar's journey's into different Inner Earth cities and the existence of the legendary city of Shambhala which exists in the etheric zone of the Inner Earth, near a singularity point, or Inner Sun. Peter finally answers questions concerning how the extensive portal system was largely shut down when the last city of the Hyperborean civilization, the legendary Troy, was defeated in a war, with much of the city disappearing and some of the population leaving to establish a colony in Rome as explained by the Roman poet, Virgil..

The entire 7 Book Translyvania Book series is available at Peter Moon's publishing website is:

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