Will Disability Approvals Rise During the COVID-19 Pandemic? Must See!

4 years ago

The COVID-19 coronavirus crisis of 2020 has significantly changed how Social Security processes disability cases. SSA employees are teleworking and judges are holding hearings by phone and no longer in person.

As I discuss in this video, my experience has been that disability judges seem more open to approving cases during this coronavirus crisis and cases that may have been denied in 2019 are now being approved.

The threshold issue in your disability case is whether you have the capacity for reliably performing work. But Social Security also recognizes that claimants with pre-existing medical issues will have a more difficult time finding work. It is no stretch to see that your job prospects are even more dim when tens of thousands of younger healthier people are unexpectedly out of work and in the job market.

Further, because judges are holding telephone hearing from their homes the reality of life in unprecedented economic times resonates with even the most cynical of judges. Judges are certainly aware that the federal government is distributing money to healthy people to help them survive; it stands to reason that less healthy people seeking disability benefits need financial help even more.

So, while there is no guarantee that your case will be approved if your hearing is held while the nation is reeling from the coronavirus pandemic, you may find that judges are more willing to listen to what you have to say and to be more sympathetic to your situation.

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=================CONTACT ME========================
Jonathan Ginsberg
Social Security Disability Attorney
Website: https://www.ssdAnswers.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GinsbergLaw/
Telephone: 800-890-2262
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