Red Alert! The Democrats Are About To Shut Off The Power Grid With No Back Up Plan.

1 year ago

My 2013 Honda Accord 4 cylinder is valued around $10 grand. It can go 500 miles to a tank on the highway. When i reach empty, I spend 2-3 minutes filling up and i can go another 500 miles. With an electric car, i have to stop somewhere and find a charging station and then sit there for 20-30 minutes, which allows me to go just a few hundred more miles before i have to stop to charge it again for 20-30 minutes. Electric cars take my Freedoms away from me!!! I will never support electric cars! 

And also charging electric cars just takes more electricity from the power grind. Fossil fuels is what powers the power grids. So the whole notion to get rid of gas cars to save the planet is a total joke! Climate change is a hoax, in order for certain people and groups to gain more power and control. My 2013 Honda Accord can destroy a new 2022 Tesla that is worth over $50,000! BOOM! 

Also, hybrid technology is advancing at a rapid pace! A new 2022 Toyota Camry Hybrid can get over 700+ miles to a tank! Soon there will be a hybrid in the future that will be able to go over 1,000 miles to a tank of gas! The future is hybrids, not all electric. Even my brother's 1996 Toyota Camry 4 cylinder still gets incredible gas mileage! And that car is probably worth $2,000. These people are crazy! 

And if you want to save even more on gas, you can always get a little 49cc scooter, that gets over 100mpg! This is great in low traffic areas, in your neighborhood, or just down to the store. Incredible gas mileage! Most States do not require a motorcycle license with a scooter engine under 49cc. Honda makes 2 scooters under 49cc. All you need is a drivers license and a good helmet. And you don't have to wait to charge your scooter! You put in another 1-2 gallons of gas, which takes 2 minutes, and you can go another 150+ miles! Battery is not always the answer!

I have seen people on youtube drive all over America and Alaska on a 49cc Honda scooter! The possibilities are endless! Gas and oil is the future! Between West Texas, North Dakota, and Alaska we probably have another 500 years left in oil! Just in West Texas alone, there is enough oil for another 200 years! Do not listen to all the lies out there!

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