Number 1 TRAIT that Predicts Success (DO YOU HAVE IT?)

1 year ago

In your quest to be an Authentic and an Entrepreneur or a creative, circumstances, obligations, and settings will push you into dull conformity that will make you feel like a fraud.

Because un-compromised, unchallenged, static authenticity is rarely achievable.

Integrate Versatility Into Your Evolving Authenticity.

This means you must embrace tolerable drifts into temporary states of diminished authenticity.

You do this to stretch yourself into new un-sketched versions of yourself that may become integral to the next version of your Authentic Being.

Your journey on your own authenticity spectrum is a perpetual draft-in-progress. You will constantly be toggling back your authenticity at specific inflection points, only to toggle forward aggressively with the integration of new growth that comprises the following most whole representation of your Authentic Being in the world.

Certainty in a fixed, static Authentic version of yourself is the death of your expanded consciousness. It is the death of your tenacious curiosity.

It is the death of the expansion of your talent stack. It is the end of your knowledge acquisition. And it is a self-imposed cap on your wisdom development.

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