The Natural Law: a Critique | Moral, Social & Political Philosophy

2 years ago

Stoics on the natural law. Classical and Christian political thought; the city of God and the city of man; human nature and the Fall; warfare and heresy. Church and state. Augustine and Aquinas; eternal, natural, human and divine law; just war theory. Machiavelli’s empiricism and anti-metaphysics; political realism, raison d’état, virtu, fortuna; Machiavelli and the republican tradition.

Stoics on The Natural Law, Cicero
Philosophy and Religion
The Hebrew Bible
The Early Christianities
Augustine and Aquinas
Christianity and Classical Antiquity
Machiavelli against the Natural Law

Introduction to Political Philosophy Course by Alexander Koryagin:

My Social & Political Philosophy playlist:

My Philosophy & Methodology of the Natural & the Social Sciences playlist:

ISPP21 05 COURSERA Natural Law

#cicero #philosophy #hellenisticphilosophy #aquinas #augustine

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