#TraditionalThursday 7/21/22: The Road King

2 years ago

Raven's Mighty Tree o' Links:


Being stuck in the mud doesn't mean you have to stay that way and continue flinging mud. That will only get you further stuck with seemingly no way out. Calm down, figure out a way to get yourself unstuck and get to where you can clean the mud off.

#TraditionalThursday #Tarot #Oracles #Runes #BigDeckEnergy

Arcanis Runic Edition 5E Campaign Setting Kickstarter


Mark Rein-Hagen's Badlander: A Fury of Thorns Kickstarter


Winifred Hodge Rose's Site Where You Can Purchase The Book Heathen Soul Lore Foundations


Witcharoo's Runes of The Gods Oracle


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